In Love We Trust

*An art project for more love and less hunger in the world
created according to the principle of bank money creation.

Swiss Kiss Bank – The official issuer of the Kiss currency – Exchange a kissnote for a kiss

We create kissnotes out of nothing and lends them at interest.
Built on trust, we do our bit to make the world a better place.

Borrowing kissnotes is regulated by our Kiss Treasury.
Anyone can borrow kissnotes and put them into circulation.

Swiss Kiss Bank - One Kiss - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
There are seven kissnotes with a nominal value of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1,000 kisses. Any number of kisses can be borrowed. The composition of the number is up to the individual.

In future, there will also be strictly limited edition kissnotes for special anniversaries.

As kisses are priceless, we use the US dollar to calculate interest and charge a symbolic US dollar per kiss and ultimately 10% of this as interest. Interest is paid at 100% when the kisses are borrowed. The aim is not to return the kisses but to pass them on. Interest earned is donated to aid organizations that work against hunger in the world.
How many kisses would you like to borrow?

Five Kisses - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
Ten Kisses - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
Twenty Kisses - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
Fifty Kisses - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
One Hundred Kisses - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
One Thousand Kisses - kissnote by Kiss Treasury
Swiss Kiss Bank - Kissnote on the wall - Borrow, print out in any format and pass on.
Project launched on October 6, 2024

lent kisses

USD donated

kisses redeemed at Kiss Treasury


fiat currency – Banks that print money vs. fiat kisses – Swiss Kiss Bank* that print kissnotes

Authorization, banking license

In order to obtain a banking license, companies applying for a banking license from the competent authorities must meet a number of requirements.

*Swiss Kiss Bank
Swiss Kiss Bank is not a bank in the traditional sense. It is an art project dedicated to the main theme of “money”. In particular, it is about showing how value is created and the consequences of this. The project does not require a license and is not subject to regulation.

Creating value

Banks, money creation
Private banks can create money at the touch of a button by granting loans. This money does not come from savers, but from nothing, it is newly created. The power of money creation is increasingly being abused to make the rich even richer.

Swiss Kiss Bank, kisses creation
Swiss Kiss Bank creates kisses (kissnotes) out of nothing through the customer’s interest, whenever the customer borrows a corresponding number of kisses.

Equity ratio

On average, banks hold 5% equity. In other words, banks only need to own 1% of the amount they lend. If debtors are unable to meet their obligations, this may lead to the bank’s bankruptcy.

Swiss Kiss Bank
Swiss Kiss Bank* holds 100% of the kisses. This means that it can always take back the number of kisses lent and provide the corresponding number of kisses on the note.

Repayment of the borrowed assets

Assets borrowed from banks must be repaid within a specified period, including interest.

Swiss Kiss Bank
Borrowed kisses do not have to be returned (and certainly not paid back, because kisses are priceless). The interest on the loan is paid at the time of lending, once only.
Borrowed kisses should be collected from other people on presentation and handover of the kissnotes. It is possible that other services or goods can be exchanged for the kissnotes instead of kisses. This is up to the two trading parties.

And yet: the Kiss Treasury undertakes to take back the kissnotes in exchange for the corresponding number of kisses printed on the kissnotes.
Only originals will be taken back – no copies of the kissnotes.

Payment with borrowed assets

Banks, money
Taxes or VAT are due for every transaction also with borrowed money.
The value or purchasing power of money decreases with every transaction; instead, the state collects taxes again and again.

The money created from nothing continually brings new values ​​to the general public. You have to know that. You have to internalize this in order to understand our monetary system. And the strangest thing about this fact is that the vast majority of people still accept it.

Swiss Kiss Bank, kisses
No taxes, no VAT, no third party claiming a share.
Any number of borrowed kisses will be 100% redeemed if the other party accepts it.

Copying assets

Banks, money
Counterfeiting money is a punishable offense. Anyone who counterfeits money in order to give it a higher value is also acting illegally. Putting counterfeit money into circulation is also prohibited. This applies not only to the euro or Swiss francs, USD, but to all currencies in the world.

Swiss Kiss Bank, kissnotes
Kissnotes can be copied. It is the first currency that can be duplicated and put into circulation without penalty.
There is one thing to bear in mind: if kissnotes are copied and put into circulation, it weakens the purpose of the project, because interest that should be paid on original kissnotes is lost. It is a matter of honor to deal only with originals. It’s all about trust, isn’t it?

What happens when too many assets are printed and enter circulation?

Banks, money
The phenomenon when there are too many banknotes in circulation is called inflation. More precisely, it is referred to as monetary or price inflation. Inflation occurs when the money supply grows faster than the production of goods and services, which leads to a general rise in the price level. An extreme form of inflation, in which prices rise very quickly and sharply, is called hyperinflation. Put simply, it is greed that causes all the mischief.

Swiss Kiss Bank, kissnotes
The answer lies in the counter-question: can there ever be too many kisses?
That’s why it’s not so bad when kissnotes are copied. The more kisses take place and make the world a little more peaceful, pleasant and loving, then copies of the notes are also okay. Love knows no inflation, unlike greed, which fuels and controls the world of banks.


Greed is followed by even more greed. That’s how the world ticks.

It would be unfair not to mention that banks also donate to charity and are involved in many good causes around the world. Only the bank itself knows how much self-interest is involved.

Swiss Kiss Bank
The kissnotes project also has a social aspect in addition to value creation.

The kiss is the opposite of a blow. If more kisses can be distributed around the world than blows, the goal has been achieved. More peace in the world without being too naive can be an option to all the atrocities, wars and crimes.

What is done with the interest earned from lending the kisses?
After deducting the costs for the support and implementation of the project, the majority of all income is donated to genuine charitable institutions. First and foremost to aid organizations that fight hunger among the world’s poorest people – mainly children.